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Monday, July 07, 2008

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North-Carolina news on the web

Obama muss bei Wahlkampfreise Zwischenlandung einlegen - Freie Presse

Mon, 07 Jul 2008 15:56:00 GMT
Technische Probleme bei seinem Flieger haben den demokratischen Präsidentschaftsbewerber Barack Obama während einer Wahlkampfreise zu einem ungeplanten Zwischenstopp gezwungen ...

Hunt says North Carolina could go to Obama (The News & Observer)

Mon, 07 Jul 2008 05:40:47 GMT
Jim Hunt says North Carolina could be in play.

North Carolina's 'Lost Colony' survives (Louisville Courier-Journal)

Sun, 06 Jul 2008 08:53:54 GMT
Two days before opening night of "The Lost Colony" in late May, Tony Award-winning designer William Ivey Long was still working on costumes. They were all brand-new but had to look very, very old. "The Lost Colony" tells the true story of an English settlement founded in 1587 on North Carolina's Outer Banks whose colonists mysteriously disappeared.

Potenzmittel: Wassermelone statt Viagra - Fit for Fun

Mon, 07 Jul 2008 08:54:00 GMT
Sie schmecken lecker, sind erfrischend und kalorienarm . Und nicht nur das: Wassermelonen wirken sich auch positiv auf die Manneskraft aus, wollen amerikanische Wissenschaftler ...

North Carolina's 'Lost Colony' survives (Louisville Courier-Journal)

Sun, 06 Jul 2008 08:53:54 GMT
Two days before opening night of "The Lost Colony" in late May, Tony Award-winning designer William Ivey Long was still working on costumes. They were all brand-new but had to look very, very old. "The Lost Colony" tells the true story of an English settlement founded in 1587 on North Carolina's Outer Banks whose colonists mysteriously disappeared.

New Poll Indicates North Carolina Voters Strongly Favor Public Control of Water in the Yadkin River Basin (PR Newswire via Yahoo! News)

Mon, 07 Jul 2008 17:55:00 GMT
In a poll commissioned by the North Carolina Water Rights Committee to gauge public opinion regarding Alcoa's efforts for renewal of a 50-year federal license for a monopoly on hydroelectric power from the Yadkin River Basin in Stanly County ("the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project"), North Carolina voters overwhelmingly say that the people of North Carolina, rather than a multinational firm like ...

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